12 Apr

Our art room at the Dowling Leisure Centre filled with the sweet smell of Red Pine as the wood cuts were placed at each participants work station.  Chantal MacRae and I hosted a sold out event for 20 participants.   Kids Bop played on my speaker in the back ground as the artists sat down to a set up of different sized dowels, acrylic paint, brushes and a pallet to mix and match colours.  

The wood cuts were harvested respectfully from a Red Pine Tree that had fallen in a wind storm at Geneva Lake, Ontario. 

After a short introduction, we went through a dynamic slide show describing the definition of Mandala, pointed out all the Mandala's we find in nature, and step by step instructions on how to create our own special Mandala's to take home. 

There was no hesitation, by this time the artist were thrilled to get started.   A hush fell across the room as the magic of making Mandala's began.  The "flow state" is easily achieved by dipping and dotting into the paint.  The hypnotic rhythm helps the body to calm and heart rate to slow down.  In these moments participants can truly connect to their "inner self".  What is going on inside of us is reflected in your custom personal Mandala. 

We finished with a message of gratitude to The Onaping Falls Art Club and the Youth Arts Coordinator for helping to bring this art experience I dreamed up to life.   Each participant received a gift bag to take home any and all art supplies provided to make more Mandalas at home. 

I wish to thank Chantal MacRae for the beautiful set up at the Dowling Leisure Centre art room. 

I look forward to working in Dowling again. 

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